The "Tapping In" Podcast
As the use of social media and technology rises, navigating the digital world becomes more complex. Tapping In, part of REBOOT’s mission of rethinking ethical behavior online, is a podcast that discusses and interviews experts to gain a deeper understanding of current topics surrounding the digital world. Each episode contains relevant content, prompting listeners to have an elevated awareness of how they use technology and its multifaceted implications.
Tapping In is hosted by Tanseem A. ’25, Tara K. ’26, and Zoe R. ’25. Three themes are incorporated into every podcast: First, there’s the user profile and how the hosts would interact with that specific section of technology. Is the age or gender of the user important? What’s an example of potential vulnerability? Second, as more people have more access to information than ever before, awareness of misinformation is crucial. In all aspects of social media and technology, the lines signifying false information are blurred and difficult to discern. And third, the hosts provide real-world examples of potential harms or benefits. Each episode helps us understand an aspect of the broad spectrum of the digital world.
Podcasts are released monthly and examine a vast array of topics. This year, in its second season, Tapping In will talk with a human-trafficking survivor and discuss the scope of human trafficking as teen vulnerability increases with social media. Episode two will have an interview with psychotherapist Tom Kersting, who talks about the mental effects of social media on children and teens.
Tapping In season two is here. Please listen to our first episode. — please follow the REBOOT Instagram for updates or visit their website page.
This article was written by Tanseem Arampulikan '25.