First Empowered Parent Series of the Year Kicks Off with Ethics 101 Discussion
On Tuesday, September 24, the Ethics Institute hosted the first of its Empowered Parent series, “Ethics 101,” in which participants learned how to take part in ethical conversations using the Ethics Institute’s Ethical Decision-Making Method. Dr. Rezach led the session, and engaged parents in a discussion about how to think ethically and discuss ethics with their daughters.
Dr. Rezach explained the differences between ethics and morality, led the participants through a “trolley problem,” and discussed ways parents inform the values their students will bring to all ethical decisions at school and beyond.
Parents who attend six of these workshops throughout the year will earn the “Empowered Parent” distinction. The schedule for upcoming workshops is as follows.
Wednesday, October 2 Ethics and AI
Tuesday, October 22 Election 2024: “The Higher Moral Ground”
Friday, November 15 Understanding Your Child’s World
Thursday, December 5 Losing a Sense of Self in the Selfie Culture
Tuesday, January 14 The Ethics of the College Process
Thursday, February 6 Parenting from the Sidelines
Tuesday, April 8 A Story of Survival: The Eating Disorder Epidemic
You can register for the October 2 session here; information about later sessions and registration for them will be in The Navigator.